Officer Job Description

2024 TTHOG Officers - General Roles and Responsibilities



Manage Chapter resources, coordinate efforts, provide activity oversight, initiate member recognition and communication, manage Dealer relations, assist all officer positions.

Assistant Director

Oversee and manage Chapter challenges, coordinate efforts, monitor deadlines, assist membership, activities, merchandise, etc., and support new member integration.


Manage Officer communications, produce monthly meeting minutes, oversee special insurance applications, compile required notes/documentation, assist with member surveys.


                Budget development, financial reporting, financial decision making, acquisitions, financial    approvals, and legal oversite.


Create and maintain member records in National HOG and local HOGSCAN systems, conduct member recruiting and new bike owner contact, monitor and notify member expirations, new member orientation and integration.

Head Road Captain

Promote safety, manage ride card, coordinate ride plans, oversee all road captains, work with Ride Planning and Promotion officers to communicate and advertise rides, work with new riders for skills development.


Provide important Chapter emphasis on motorcycle, rider, and ride safety. Work with Road Captains and other Officers to promote a culture of safety.


Coordinate and plan Chapter events, assist Road Captains with contacting restaurants to make lunch arrangements for day rides, arrange accommodations for overnight rides, plan and organize annual holiday party, assist all other officers as needed.

Ladies of Harley (LOH)

Help coordinate Chapter events and activities, plan and coordinate monthly meet & greet dinner, encourage member participation, recommend member engagement activities, support new member integration.


Create and maintain monthly newsletter, provide input to Ride Planning and Promotion, help create promotional fliers, help conduct member surveys, assist with new member integration.

Promotion/Media Content

Oversee social media: website (HOGSCAN) postings, public and private Facebook sites, help create input for Ride Planning and Promotion, develop promotional links with Dealer, assist with new member integration.


Organize, maintain, and manage an inventory of Chapter merchandise, report financial value of inventory, help members obtain various apparel, patches, accessories, assist with membership drives, support new member integration.


Coordinate photos of Chapter rides and events, organize and manage Flickr accounts of past rides, encourage member participation, photograph new members and officers.

Webmaster/Tech Consultant

Maintain operational integrity of website and mail server, support officer/member security access, assist with password and connection issues, recommend software and systems solutions as needed.